MailConfig__EmailServer="" <- Email SMTP settings used only for configuring multiple users(to send their registration token and forgot password tokens) MailConfig__EmailFrom="" <- Same as above. MailConfig__Port=587 <- Same as above. MailConfig__Username="" <- Same as above. MailConfig__Password="" <- Same as above. OpenIDConfig__Name=Authelia OpenIDConfig__ClientId=lube OpenIDConfig__ClientSecret=client-secret-string OpenIDConfig__AuthURL=Authorization URL to the Provider's Login Page OpenIDConfig__TokenURL=URL to retrieve user JWT from the Provider OpenIDConfig__RedirectURL= OpenIDConfig__Scope="openid email" OpenIDConfig__ValidateState=true/false(default: false) - whether LubeLogger should validate state. OpenIDConfig__UsePKCE=true/false(default: false) - whether LubeLogger should use PKCE