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selfhost:fileserver [2024/01/18 14:20] – [Wrapup and Autostart] willyselfhost:fileserver [2025/03/13 09:29] (current) – created - external edit
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== File Server ======+====== H) File Server ======
 +I will not discuss how to share your files on the home network using __legacy__ tools like [[|NFS]] or [[|SAMBA]], there are plenty of tutorials online and, beside, it's kind out of the scope for self-hosting.
-Access to a **common area** (future: also user-specific **private** areas).+I will focus on how to provide access via __web browser__ and via __WebDAV__, which is web-based sharing protocol a bit like NFS or SAMBA, but aimed ad broader //in**ter**net// access, and not //in**tra**net// access.
-Access must be both from web page (HTTP/S) and from WebDAV.+The idea is to create share areas where your users will be able to store files. It is possible to extend this idea also to user-specific areas where each user can put private stuff not visible by other users, but this require a little bit extra complexity and might be addressed in the future.
-[[|File Browser]] is used for web based access from browser.+You will be using your SSO authentication, there will be no need to create new users anywhere, and it will of course be protected by the Reverse Proxy for external access.
-[[|Apache]] is used as WebDAV server. 
-[[sailing:NGINX]] is used as reverse proxy to provide secure access to both WebDAV clients and browsers.+===== Overall Architecture and Shares =====
 +This solution leverages different tools:
 +  * [[services:cloudcommander|CloudCommander]], full featured file manager
 +  * [[services:filebrowser|FileBrowser]], nicer UI but lesser functionalities than Cloud Commander
 +  * [[|Apache]] strictly as WebDAV server
-===== Permissions and Users =====+Note: choosing between FileBrowser or Cloud Commander is a matter of preference. I use both, for different kind of shares.
-All users need to be in the **users** group.+The NGINX reverse proxy will integrate with your preferred [[selfhost:sso|SSO]] authentication and add the HTTPS layer to ensure all access is properly encrypted.
-The **common** share will be accessible by any user in the **users** group.+I will assume that your shares are under **/shares**, but of course each share can be located anywhere you like. Let's also assume, as an example, that your share is called __/shares/common__ and is managed by the user __fileserver__ of the group __users__. The requirement for users and groups will be detailed later on.
-===== Shares Configuration =====+Each share folder will have the following structure: 
 +  * /share/common/: main folder 
 +  * /share/common/db: contains the FileBrowser database, needed for browser access (not needed for CloudCommander) 
 +  * /share/common/webdav: contains WebDAV specific stuff, for WebDAV access 
 +  * /share/common/data: contains the actual shared files and directories.
-Files will be under **/home/common** for example. The shares will be configured in the **/etc/conf.d/shares** file: +This structure is provided as an example to follow, of course you can move the individual folders where you prefer. The only caveat is that, for security reasons, the **db** and **webdav** folder should **not** be inside the **data** folder.
-<file txt shares> +
-SHARES="common:3002 other:3003" +
-where "common" and "other" is the name of the folder under **/home** and 3002/3003 is the port number (which will be needed for NGINX reverse proxy access via browser).+You will also need to assign two ports for each share, as an example for our //common// share: 
 +  * 3002: port for FileBrowser or Cloud Commander 
 +  * 10001: port for Apache WebDAV server
 +Any other share can start from these port numbers and go up in numbering.
-===== Software Installation for Browser access =====+I choose to assign a dedicated subdomain, ****, as file server and organize the shares like this: 
 +  * ****: direct browser access URL for __common__ 
 +  * ****: WebDAV specific access URL for __common__ 
 +  * ****: will show a main directory page to access the shares.
-[[|File Browser]] is a nice web-based file manager that you can use to access your file server via browser.+You can add any more folders as separate shares as you likeDue to how WebDAV works, it is mandatory to separate the browser accessible URLs from the WebDAV ones, like i did above.
-I do not like the default installation method because it will install system-wide. I will show you how to install in a more customized way. 
-first you need to create a new user: +=== Permissions and Users ===
-<code bash> +
- > useradd -d /data/daemons/filebrowser -m filebrowser -g users +
-the //filebrowser// user will have **users** as it's main group so that any files managed by it can be accessed and managed by users as well.+(Note: you should set both FileBrowser and Cloud Commander with user **fileserver**)
-You will need to create the following folders architecture in your //filebrowser// home folder: +Each share will be accessible by different users, so this needs to be planned a bit. For user-specific shares, not much needs to be done except run FileBrowser/Cloud Commander for the specific share as the specific user. This is left as an exercise for you.
-  * bin: where the FileBrowser binary will be located +
-  * data/db: where the FileBrowser databases files will be stored +
-  * data/logs: where the various log files will be created+
-You need to set the //umask// for the user to **0002** so that any new files created by it will be writable by the users.+For common shares instead, it's important to create one common user, which i will call **fileserver** user to run the associated services, and create the **/home/common** folder
-Then, as //filebrowser// user, get the software package and decompress it. The default install approach is based on a auto executable web link ([[|here]]) which i do not recommend to use directly. Instead go to [[|here]] and download the proper package for your architecture. Then:+You need to assign that folder to the **users** group and the **fileserver** user:
 <code bash> <code bash>
- > su filebrowser +useradd -/shares/common -m fileserver -g users
- > echo "umask 0002" >> ~/.bashrc +
- > source ~/.bashrc +
- > mkdir bin data data/logs data/db +
- > cd bin +
- > tar xvf ../linux-amd64-filebrowser.tar.gz+
 </code> </code>
-Now, you will need to start a copy of FileBrowser for each share you want to have, and it must be owned by the user that want file permissions on that shareTo achieve thisyou will be using a special script called **** which i will show you at the endbecause it will contain also the WebDAV start stuff in it.+You need to set the //umask// for the fileserver user to **0002** so that any new files created by it will be writable by the usersAlsocreate the **db** folder, where the FileBrowser database will need to be located, and the **webdav** folder, there specific Apache configuration need to be located, and of course don't forget the **data** folderwhere you can put the shared content itself: 
 +<code bash> 
 +su - fileserver 
 +echo "umask 0002" >> ~/.bashrc 
 +source ~/.bashrc 
 +mkdir db 
 +mkdir webdav 
 +mkdir data 
-===== Software Installation for WebDAV access ===== 
-While there are a few WebDAV servers like [[|Dave]], they seems to be either unmaintained or overly complicated. Also [[sailing:nginx|NGINX]] can be a WebDAV server, but it seems to be buggy and not supporting LOCK stuff, so i decided to go with Apache web server, which also has a long standing WebDAV implementation.+===== Fileserver access via Browser =====
-The idea here is to run a dedicated copy of Apache as user //filebrowser// and group //users// so that it can access and manage the shared files. So first you need to emerge apache:+Both [[services:filebrowser|FileBrowser]] and [[services:cloudcommander|Cloud Commander]] are good tools for accessing your shares via browser. FileBrowser has a nice thumbnail system which makes it more useful for media and photo browsing, but it's quite quirky. Cloud Commander is top notch in functionalities, but the UI is a bit more old-style and might not be the best choice for less tech savvy users. 
 +You can find installation instruction for both tools in the links above. Install both or the one you prefer, i will assume you have installed your pick on your system already by following my guides above. 
 +You will need to run **one** instance of the tool you choose for //each share//, so you will to allocate one specific port for each share. I will describe how to run it for the **common** share, so the tool will run as the **fileserver** user that you created above.  
 +If you choose FileBrowser: 
 +So, create the specific **/etc/conf.d/fileserver.common**: 
 +<file - filebrowser.common> 
 +DESCRIPTION="Common web archive" 
 +If you choose Cloud Commander: 
 +So, create the specific **/etc/conf.d/cloudcmd.common**: 
 +<file - cloudcmd.common> 
 +DESCRIPTION="Common web archive" 
 +Create the **init.d** symlink too, and start it. Of course, choose a free port (3002). 
 +===== Fileserver access via WebDAV ===== 
 +__NOTE:__ using HTTP will cause a 301 redirect to HTTPS, and WebDAV clients will fail. So use HTTPS URL in webdav clients and not HTTP. 
 +While there are a few WebDAV servers like [[|Dave]], they seems to be either unmaintained or overly complicated. Also NGINX can be a WebDAV server, but it seems to be buggy and not supporting LOCK stuff, so i decided to go with Apache web server, which also has a long standing WebDAV implementation. 
 +The idea here is to run a dedicated copy of Apache as user //fileserver// and group //users// so that it can access and manage the shared files. So first you need to emerge apache:  
 <code bash> <code bash>
- > emerge apache+emerge apache
 </code> </code>
-WebDAV is enabled by default in Gentoo Apache ebuild.+WebDAV is enabled by default in Gentoo Apache ebuild, so there is no need to fix USE flags.
-Running apache manually requires some effortso, buckle up.+You will **not** be running Apache as system servicebecause that will mess with our user permission approach. I have prepared the following init script that manages to start separated Apache copies for each of your shares. Do drop the following file to **/etc/init.d/webdav**: 
 +<file - webdav> 
 +# Copyright 2024 Willy Garidol 
 +# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
-First of all, Apache needs some folders to operate, so you need to create: +depend() { 
-  * /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/conf: to store the apache config file +        need localmount net 
-  * /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/roots: which will map as WebDAV root (you will see why+}
-  * /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/locks: which will be used for WebDAV lock databases +
-  * /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/pids: which will be used to store apache PID files+
 +# Name of the share
 +# Where is the original data
 +# Where WebDAV temporary stuff will be located
 +description=${DESCRIPTION:-WebDAV starter}
 +-c "ServerRoot /usr/lib64/apache2"
 +-c "LoadModule dav_module modules/"
 +-c "LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/"
 +-c "LoadModule dav_lock_module modules/"
 +-c "Include /etc/apache2/modules.d/*.conf"
 +-c "User ${WD_USER}"
 +-c "Group ${WD_GROUP}"
 +-c "DavLockDB ${WD_TEMP_FOLDER}/locks"
 +-c "PidFile ${pidfile}"
 +-c "ErrorLog ${WD_LOG_PATH}/${WD_SLOT}/error.log"
 +-c "CustomLog ${WD_LOG_PATH}/${WD_SLOT}/access.log common"
 +-c "DocumentRoot ${WD_ROOT_FOLDER}"
 +-c "ServerName"
 +-c "Listen${PORT}"
 +-c "<Directory ${WD_ROOT_FOLDER}>"
 +-c " DAV On"
 +-c " AllowOverride All"
 +-c " Options -Indexes +FollowSymlinks -ExecCGI -Includes"
 +-c " Require all granted"
 +-c "</Directory>"
 +-c "SetEnv redirect-carefully"
 +start_pre() {
 +        # script must be run with ".sharename" symlink:
 +        if [ "${WD_SLOT}" = "webdav" ]
 +        then
 +                ebegin "Error: do not run this script, run a link to it!"
 +                eend 255
 +                return 255
 +        fi
 +        # Data folder must exist:
 +        if [ -z ${WD_DATA_FOLDER} -o ! -d ${WD_DATA_FOLDER} ]
 +        then
 +                ebegin "Error: DATA_FOLDER must be defined and path must exist!"
 +                eend 255
 +                return 255
 +        fi
 +        # Create log paths
 +        test -e "${WD_LOG_PATH}" || mkdir "${WD_LOG_PATH}"
 +        test -e "${WD_LOG_PATH}/${WD_SLOT}" || {
 +                ebegin "Creating log path '${WD_LOG_PATH}/${WD_SLOT}'"
 +                mkdir "${WD_LOG_PATH}/${WD_SLOT}"
 +        } && chown -R ${WD_USER} "${WD_LOG_PATH}/${WD_SLOT}"
 +        # Create all temporary paths:
 +        do
 +                test -e ${path} || {
 +                        ebegin "Creating '${path}' path"
 +                        mkdir -p ${path}
 +                        chown ${WD_USER}:${WD_GROUP} ${path}
 +                }
 +        done
 +        test -z "$(mount | grep ${WD_MOUNT_FOLDER})" && {
 +                ebegin "Mounting/binding root path '${WD_DATA_FOLDER}' -> '${WD_MOUNT_FOLDER}'"
 +                mount -o bind ${WD_DATA_FOLDER} ${WD_MOUNT_FOLDER}
 +        }
 +        eend 0
 +start() {
 +        start-stop-daemon -w ${WD_TIMEOUT} --start --pidfile "${pidfile}" -- \
 +                /usr/bin/apache2 "${apache_args[@]}"
 +        eend $?
 +stop_post() {
 +        test -n "$(mount | grep ${WD_MOUNT_FOLDER})" && {
 +                ebegin "Unmounting/unbinding root path '${WD_DATA_FOLDER}' -|-> '${WD_MOUNT_FOLDER}'"
 +                umount ${WD_MOUNT_FOLDER}
 +        }
 +        eend 0
 +and make it executable:
 <code bash> <code bash>
- > su - filebrowser +chmod +x /etc/init.d/webdav
- > mkdir /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/conf +
- > mkdir /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/root+
 </code> </code>
-Then create the Apache config file for each share. You should create this config that will be used by each share **/data/daemons/filebrowser/data/conf/apache_global.conf**: + 
-<file txt apache_global.conf+=== Create apache configuration files for each share === 
-ServerRoot "/usr/lib64/apache2+ 
-LoadModule actions_module modules/ +By using the above init script, defining a new share means to create a share symlink of that script and the associated config file
-LoadModule alias_module modules/ + 
-LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/ +For our __common__ example sharecreate the following **/etc/conf.d/webdav.common**: 
-LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/ +<file - webdav.common
-LoadModule authn_core_module modules/ +DESCRIPTION="Common WebDAV archive
-LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/ +# this must point to where your data to be shared is located 
-LoadModule authn_file_module modules/ +DATA_FOLDER="/deposito/shares/common/data" 
-LoadModule authz_core_module modules/ +# this will contain temporary webdav stuff, will be created if missing 
-LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/ +TEMP_FOLDER="/deposito/shares/common/webdav" 
-LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/ +# this refers to the URL "<this part of the url>" 
-LoadModule authz_host_module modules/ +SHARE_NAME="common" 
-LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/ +GROUP="users" 
-LoadModule authz_user_module modules/ +USER="filebrowser" 
-LoadModule autoindex_module modules/ +PORT=10001
-<IfDefine CACHE> +
-LoadModule cache_module modules/ +
-</IfDefine> +
-LoadModule dav_module modules/ +
-LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/ +
-LoadModule dav_lock_module modules/ +
-LoadModule deflate_module modules/ +
-LoadModule dir_module modules/ +
-LoadModule env_module modules/ +
-LoadModule expires_module modules/ +
-LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/ +
-<IfDefine CACHE> +
-LoadModule file_cache_module modules/ +
-</IfDefine> +
-LoadModule filter_module modules/ +
-LoadModule headers_module modules/ +
-<IfDefine HTTP2> +
-LoadModule http2_module modules/ +
-</IfDefine> +
-LoadModule include_module modules/ +
-<IfDefine INFO> +
-LoadModule info_module modules/ +
-</IfDefine> +
-LoadModule log_config_module modules/ +
-TransferLog /deposito/archive/logs/common_transfer_log +
-LoadModule logio_module modules/ +
-LoadModule mime_module modules/ +
-LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/ +
-LoadModule negotiation_module modules/ +
-LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ +
-LoadModule setenvif_module modules/ +
-<IfDefine STATUS+
-LoadModule status_module modules/ +
-</IfDefine> +
-LoadModule unique_id_module modules/ +
-LoadModule unixd_module modules/ +
-<IfDefine USERDIR> +
-LoadModule userdir_module modules/ +
-</IfDefine> +
-LoadModule usertrack_module modules/ +
-LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/ +
-Include /etc/apache2/modules.d/*.conf+
 </file> </file>
 +Note the port, it needs to be unique and available.
-Then you can create one config file for each share. This is the file for the common share **/data/daemons/filebrowser/data/conf/common.conf**+Create the symlink
-<file txt common.conf+<code bash
-Include /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/conf/apache_global.conf+ln -s /etc/init.d/webdav /etc/init.d/webdav.common 
-User filebrowser 
-Group users 
-DavLockDB "/data/daemons/filebrowser/data/locks/common" +=== Prepare apache folders for each share ===
-PidFile /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/pids/ +
-ErrorLog /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/logs/common_error_log +
-TransferLog /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/logs/common_transfer_log +
-CustomLog /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/logs/common_access_log common+
-DocumentRoot /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/roots+The above mentioned init script will create all the needed sub-folders for you, but here is a recap: 
 +  * /share/common/webdav/root: which will map as WebDAV root (you will see why) 
 +  * /share/common/webdav/locks: which will be used for WebDAV lock databases
-ServerName +Those wll be created by the init script above if missingThey will not be deleted in any case, if existing.
-<Directory /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/roots> 
-    DAV On 
-    AllowOverride All 
-    Options -Indexes +FollowSymlinks -ExecCGI -Includes 
-    Require all granted 
-SetEnv redirect-carefully+=== Messing with the WebDAV root folder ===
-# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache +Now, the fun part is that you want to protect this behind the NGINX reverse proxy (for HTTPS and authorization reasons) and it seems that WebDAV does **not** play well with URL redirection and similar funny things. In other words, the base url you will be using on the reverse proxy **must match** the url in the Apache. You **cannot use** rewrite directives or Alias stuff.
-</file> +
-Please note the Listen directive: you want apache to be bound to 127.0.0. only and note the port too, this port will be needed for the reverse proxyEach share will need it's own port.+Since you will be exposing the browser-based access as **** and the WebDAV access as **** it means that we need to connect your **/shares/common/data folder to /shares/common/webdav/root/webdav/common** for it to workNicely messed up eh?
-Now, the fun part is that you want to protect this behind the NGINX reverse proxy and it seems that WebDAV does **not** play well with URL redirection and similar funny thingsIn other words, the base url you will be using on the reverse proxy must match the url in the Apache. You cannot use rewrite directives or Alias stuff+Since symbolic links cannot be used by WebDAV (could it be //that// simple?), the only viable option is **mount -o bind**. This is taken care automatically in the above init script.
-Since you will be exposing the browser-based access as **https://your_server/archive/common** and the WebDAV access as **https://your_server/webdav/common** it means that we need to connect your **/home/common folder to /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/roots/webdav/common** for it to work. Since symbolic links cannot be used by WebDAV, the only viable option is **mount -o bind** which needs to be done by root. 
-socreate the paths first:+=== Startup Apache for the share (and autostart) === 
 +Since you have already created the share specific startup script symlink and the associated config fileall you need to do is add it to the default runlevel and start it:
 <code bash> <code bash>
- > su filebrowser +rc-update add webdav.common default 
- > cd data/root +/etc/init.d/webdav.common start
- > mkdir webdav +
- > cd webdav +
- > mkdir common+
 </code> </code>
-the startup script below will take take of doing the **mount -o bind** which is mandatory for WebDAV to work.+===== Reverse Proxy and wrap-up =====
 +Everything is protected behind the [[selfhost:nginx|NGINX Reverse Proxy]], so you should create the following config file for the **drive** subdomain:
 +<file - drive.conf>
 +server {
 +        server_name;
 +        listen 443 ssl; 
 +        listen 8443 ssl; 
 +        http2 on;
-===== Reverse Proxy =====+        access_log /var/log/nginx/drive.mydomain.com_access_log main; 
 +        error_log /var/log/nginx/drive.mydomain.com_error_log info;
-You want to integrate all this into the SSL enabled reverse proxywhich is also using PAM authentication.+        # WebDAV requires basic authwhile normal auth can be used with FileBrowser 
 +        include "com.mydomain/authelia_location.conf"; 
 +        include "com.mydomain/authelia_location-basic.conf";
-Now, reverse proxy is simple, but this into **/etc/nginx/folders/filebrowser.conf**: +        location 
-<file txt filebrowser.conf> +                include "com.mydomain/authelia_proxy.conf"; 
-  # Browser based access here +                include "com.mydomain/authelia_authrequest.conf"; 
-  location /archive/common{ +                root /home/web/drive; 
-        client_max_body_size 512M;+        }
-        proxy_pass        location = /common { 
-        proxy_http_version 1.1;+                 return 301 https://$host/common/
 +        }
-        proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; +        location /common/ { 
-        proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; +                include "com.mydomain/authelia_proxy.conf"; 
-        proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; +                include "com.mydomain/authelia_authrequest.conf"; 
-        proxy_set_header Host $host; +                client_max_body_size 512M; 
-        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; +                proxy_pass; 
-        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; +                proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; 
-        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; +                proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; 
-    +                proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; 
-    # WebDAV access +       
-    location /webdav/common { + 
-        # - fix Destination: header +       location /webdav/common { 
-        # - bug, workaround with named capture +                include "com.mydomain/authelia_proxy.conf"; 
-        set $dest $http_destination; +                include "com.mydomain/authelia_authrequest-basic.conf"; 
-        if ($http_destination ~ "^https://(?<myvar>(.+))") { + 
-                set $dest http://$myvar;+                # - fix Destination: header 
 +                # - bug, workaround with named capture 
 +                set $dest $http_destination; 
 +                if ($http_destination ~ "^https://(?<myvar>(.+))") { 
 +                        set $dest http://$myvar
 +                } 
 +                # Warning: adding / at the end of the proxy_pass will break WebDAV! 
 +                proxy_pass; 
 +                proxy_buffering off; 
 +                gzip off; 
 +                proxy_pass_request_headers on; 
 +               proxy_set_header Destination       $dest;
         }         }
 +        client_max_body_size 100M;
-        proxy_pass; +The reverse proxy configuration doesn't care if you choose FileBrowser of Cloud Commander, it's identical. 
-        proxy_redirect off; + 
-        proxy_buffering off; +This example also shows how i have integrated [[selfhost:sso|SSO Authentication]] with the filesever. 
-        gzip off; + 
-        proxy_pass_request_headers on; +Refer to the [[selfhost:nginx|The Reverse Proxy concept]] page to activate this specific NGIX configuration. Of course you need to create the Let's Encrypt certificates and the subdomain in your DNS provider. 
-        proxy_set_header Destination       $dest; + 
-        proxy_set_header      Host $host; +==== Main Directory Page ==== 
-        proxy_set_header      X-Real-IP $remote_addr; + 
-        proxy_set_header      X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;+As you can spot from the above NGINX configuration, i have defined a common landing on **** to provide a nice page to access the individual shares. 
 +For this i am using my [[services:dashboards|Simple Dashboard]] with the following **site.json**: 
 +<file - site.json> 
 +    "title" : "My Drive Title", 
 +    "header" : {                   
 +        "img" : "",                
 +        "text" : "My Drive"  
 +        },                                  
 +    "content" : [               
 +        { 
 +        "foldable": false,                                                                                                                                                                    
 +        "title": "",          
 +        "content":           
 +            [ { 
 +                "img" : "images/folder.png", 
 +                "text" : "Common",          
 +                "link" : "/common/",       
 +                "style" : "box-inline",          
 +                "new_page" : true       
 +            } ] 
 +        } 
 +        ], 
 +     "footer" : { 
 +        "img" : "", 
 +        "text" : "back home", 
 +        "style" : "footer-light", 
 +        "link" : "" 
 +    }
 } }
 </file> </file>
-and put this file include inside the usual **/etc/nginx*/folders/main.conf**, and restart nginx. 
-===== Wrapup and Autostart ===== 
-Create the **/data/daemons/filebrowser/**: 
-<file bash> 
-source /etc/conf.d/shares 
-BASE_PATH=/data/daemons/filebrowser/data+===== Experimental stuff =====
-for i in $SHARES +Just some additional experiments i did, for future references.
-do +
-        SHARE=$(echo $i | cut -d: -f1) +
-        PORT=$(echo $i | cut -d: -f2) +
-        OWNER=filebrowser+
-        echo Starting FileBrowser for $OWNER on share $SHARE +=== Nephele-Serve ==
-        su $OWNER -c "/data/daemons/filebrowser/bin/filebrowser config set --auth.method=noauth -d $BASE_PATH/db/filebrowser_$SHARE.db >/dev/null" +Replacing WebDAV with Nephele-Serve (which will support also CardDAV/CalDAV in the future)
-        su $OWNER -c "/data/daemons/filebrowser/bin/filebrowser -r /deposito/$SHARE -p $PORT -b /archive/$SHARE -d $BASE_PATH/db/filebrowser_$SHARE.db -l $BASE_PATH/logs/filebrowser_$SHARE.log 2> $BASE_PATH/logs/filebrowser_${SHARE}_run.log"&+
-        if [ "$(mount | grep /deposito/daemons/filebrowser/data/roots/webdav/$SHARE)" = ""+   
-        then +
-            echo Mounting WebDAV entry points for $SHARE +
-            mount -o bind /home/$SHARE /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/roots/webdav/$SHARE +
-        else +
-            echo WebDAV entry point already mounted +
-        fi +
-        echo Starting WebDAV backend for $OWNER on share $SHARE +
-        su - $OWNER -c "apache2 -f /data/daemons/filebrowser/data/conf/$SHARE.conf" +
-done +
-And the usual autostart stuff+NPM needs to be enabled for the fileserver user
-<file bash 40-filebrowser.start+<code
-#!/bin/bash +NPM_PACKAGES="$HOME/.npm-packages"  
-/data/daemons/filebrowser/ +mkdir -p "$NPM_PACKAGES"   
-</file>+echo "prefix = $NPM_PACKAGES" >> ~/.npmrc 
-Make both files executable.+And in **~/.bashrc**:
-To access via browser: open https://<your server>/archive/common+<code> 
 +# NPM packages in homedir 
 +# Tell our environment about user-installed node tools 
 +# Unset manpath so we can inherit from /etc/manpath via the `manpath` command 
 +unset MANPATH # delete if you already modified MANPATH elsewhere in your configuration   
 +# Tell Node about these packages 
-to access via WebDAV clients: https://<your server>/webdav/common+Install: 
 +<code bash> 
 +source ~/.bashrc   
 +npm install -g nephele-serve 
 +Advantages: it's a simple server that supports pam_auth. In the future, it might **also** replace [[services:radicale|Radicale]] with a single service. 
 +Disadvantages: do not support base_url, so unable to host under /webdav even with reverse proxy. 
 +=== sFtpGO WebDAV / web browser === 
 +Interesting [[|sFtpGo]] support both web-browser access and WebDAV from a single tool. 
 +You need to start it once then edit **sftpgo.json**: 
 +"external_auth_hook": "/data/daemons/fileserver/", 
 +    "bindings":
 +      { 
 +        "port": 10001,  
 +        "address": "", 
 +        "enable_https": false, 
 +        "certificate_file": "", 
 +        "certificate_key_file": "", 
 +        "min_tls_version": 12, 
 +        "client_auth_type": 0, 
 +        "tls_cipher_suites": [], 
 +        "prefix": "/webdav/common", 
 +        "proxy_allowed": [], 
 +        "client_ip_proxy_header": "", 
 +        "client_ip_header_depth": 0, 
 +        "disable_www_auth_header": false 
 +      } 
 +    ], 
 +Advnatages: easier than Apache to setup, support base_url
-Please note that using HTTP here might cause a 301 redirect to HTTPS, and WebDAV clients will fail. So use HTTPS URL in webdav clients.+Disadvantages: cannot use pam_auth and cannot disable authentication. So double-auth over reverse proxy that might be annoying.
 +=== KaraDAV / PicoDAV ===
 +[[|KaraDAV]] is a fully featured WebDAV server written in PHP which can be used instead of Apache WebDAV server.
 +[[|PicoDAV]] is a basic WebDAV server written in PHP which can serve WebDAV in a very simple way instead of Apache WebDAV server.
 +Unfortunately, being PHP, they both require either Apache or a properly configured NGINX with PHP as FastCGI, which defeats the scope of **simplifying** the overall setup. Maybe in the future i will look into using either one of these.

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