This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Backrest ====== [[|Backrest]] is a web frontend to [[|Restic]] which is my choice of backup tools for my home server. Check [[selfhost:backup|this]] page for mor einfo in Restic and how to use it for backups. While Restic can be used from the command line and can use //cron// to schedule backups, navigating, checking and retrieving data might not be as intuitive from the command line. Backrest comes to help and provides a nice web GUI to do all that, plus can be used instead of cron to performo periodical backups. Backrest since 0.16 has been updated to support sub-paths, but still has some authentication issues. You need to disable backrest authentication (asked at first login) and use Proxy-authentication, but that will work only on sub-paths. On sub-domain, you still need to disable proxy auth and use backrest authentication. Overall the UI is nice and efficient, and Backrest can be a good addition to your management web tools. ===== Installation ===== The official documentation ([[|here]]) suggest to use their proivided install script, but it requires SystemD and overall put it's hands deep into root-only parts of the system, which i don't like. fortunately, installing is really easy all you need to do is download the release, unzip, setup autostart and run it, that's it. You want/need to run this as root to make sure it can actually access all the data it needs to backup. This could be mitigated by running as non-root, but in this case you carefully check that all the files are properly backed-up, and most probably direct restore will not work. Binary releases can be found on [[|this page]], identify the one good for your architecture (ex: x86_64). Since Backrest should work even when the RAID array is not mounted, you should place it under **/opt/backrest** instead of under **/data/daemons/backrest**: <code bash> mkdir /opt/backrest cd /opt/backrest wget<VERSION>/backrest_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz tar zvf backrest_Linux_x86_64.tar.gz </code> ===== Reverse Proxy ===== It's really simple to run Backrest behing NGINX: <file - backrest.conf> location /backrest/ { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Authorization ""; } </file> ===== Startup and running ===== Since i prefer OpenRC, let's create backrest init script: <file - /etc/init.d/backrest> #!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 description="restic WEB GUI interface" pidfile="/run/" command_background=true command="/opt/backrest/backrest" command_args="-bind-address -restic-cmd /usr/bin/restic -config-file /opt/backrest/config.json -data-dir /opt/backrest/" depend() { need net } </file> Now just make it executable and assign to a runlevel: <code bash> chmod +x /etc/init.d/backrest rc-update add backrest default </code> That's it! (you need backrest to run as root to ensure all files can be backupped) ===== Upgrades ===== Just download latest release binary and unzip replacing the older one. Be advised when upgrading from pre 1.0 to above 1.0 releases, that you **must** run 1,0 once and set the instance_id.