This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Daily TXT ====== [[|DailyTXT]] is a diary web based application where you can writew one, and only one text page. I am not currently using this because after all i didnt manage to properly run it behind a subpath (see [[|this issue]]). ===== Installation ===== Usual dedicated user: <code bash> useradd -d /data/daemons/dailytxt -m dailytxt mkdir /data/dailytxt chown dailytxt:dailytxt /data/dailytxt </code> Example docker compose: File **/data/daemons/dailytxt/docker-compose.yml**: <file - docker-compose.yml> version: "3" services: dailytxt: image: phitux/dailytxt:latest container_name: dailytxt restart: always environment: - PORT=8760 - SECRET_KEY=<but here your key> - ALLOW_REGISTRATION=True - DATA_INDENT=2 - JWT_EXP_DAYS=6000 - ENABLE_UPDATE_CHECK=True ports: - "" volumes: - "/data/dailytxt/:/app/data/" networks: - dailytxt-net networks: dailytxt-net: {} </file> To generate the key: <code bash> openssl rand -base64 32 </code> Currently i was not able to make subpaths work. ===== Reverse Proxy ===== This simple config (check the [[selfhost:nginx|The Reverse Proxy concept]]) <file - dalytxt.conf> location = /dailytxt { return 301 https://$host/dailytxt/; } location /dailytxt/ { proxy_pass; } </file>