This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== FitTrackee ====== [[|FitTrackee]] is an open-source fitness tracker selfhosted application that can also sync with Garmin and Strava. It is aimed at outdoor acvities. ===== Installation ===== Detailed instructions can be found [[|here]]. There is no container for FitTrackee, so i will show you how to install on bare-metal. <code bash> useradd -d /data/daemons/fittrackee -m fittrackee </code> FitTrackee uses Python, so check out [[gentoo:pip|PIP on Gentoo]] page to enable virtual environments and PIP for the fittrackee user. <code bash> python -m venv venv_ft source venv_ft/bin/activate pip install fittrackee </code> Now, FitTrackee requires PostgreSQL, so you need to install and start it. For reference, and [[|this]] and [[|this]] are the Gentoo wiki pages on PostgreSQL. These two pages are very well written and will let you setup your postgres in a few moments. From now on i assume PostgreSQL is installed and ready. Now access your postgres as admin user and create the database: <code bash> psql -U postgres </code> type in the following SQL statements: <code sql> CREATE USER fittrackee WITH PASSWORD '<PASSWORD>'; CREATE SCHEMA fittrackee AUTHORIZATION fittrackee; CREATE DATABASE fittrackee OWNER fittrackee; </code> <file - .env> export PORT=5123 export APP_SECRET_KEY=<my secret> export APP_LOG=/data/daemons/fittrackee/log.txt export UPLOAD_FOLDER=/data/daemons/fittrackee/uploads export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://fittrackee:xxxxxxx@ export UI_URL= export EMAIL_URL=smtp:// export export FLASK_APP=fittrackee </file> Ensure this **.env** file is sourced in your **~/.bashrc**. As a reference: <file - .bashrc> (only last lines shown) export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin source venv_ft/bin/activate source .env </file> Now, initialize the database: ftcli db upgrade To start FitTrackee see the autostart script below. ===== Reverse Proxy ===== I have deployed FitTrackee on a subdomain, because i already had one set up for it. Check [[selfhost:nginx|The Reverse Proxy concept]] for more details: <file - fittrackee.conf> server { server_name; listen 443 ssl; listen 8443 ssl; access_log /var/log/nginx/train.gardiol.org_access_log main; error_log /var/log/nginx/train.gardiol.org_error_log info; location / { proxy_pass; proxy_redirect default; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $server_name; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } client_max_body_size 100M; include org.gardiol/certbot.conf; } </file> ===== Autostart ===== Since i use OpenRC, simply drop the following script to /etc/init.d: <file - /etc/init.d/fittrackee> #!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 description="Open Source Fit Tracker" pidfile="/run/" command_background=true command="/deposito/daemons/fittrackee/" command_args="" command_user="fittrackee:fittrackee" depend() { need net } </file> Make it executable and add to the proper runlevel: <code bash> chmod +x /etc/init.d/fittrackee rc-update add fittrackee default </code> You will also need to create the script **/data/daemons/**: <file -> #!/bin/bash cd ~ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin source venv_ft/bin/activate source .env # Workers are not really needed on very small instances. Uncomment if you need them # flask worker --processes 2& fittrackee </file> and make it executable. ===== User management ===== If you do not require generating and managing many users, you can manually create them: <code bash> ftcli users create --password <password> --lang en --email myuser ftcli users update myuser --set-admin true </code> and then disable user registration from the admin panel in theweb GUI, set the number of active users to a fixed quantity instead of zero. ===== Log rotation ===== If you use **logrotate** (you should), create a new file under **/etc/logrotate.d/fittrackee**: <file - fittrackee> /data/daemons/fittrackee/log.txt { missingok notifempty } </file> ===== Sending emails ===== Work in progress. ===== Updates ===== Stop the service, then run, as **fitrackee** user: <code bash> pip install fittrackee -U ftcli db upgrade </code> and make sure that you are in the venv. Also note, if you installed the Garmin bridge, that you might want to run again that installation command as well. ===== Garmin Integration ===== A Garmin bridge for FitTrackee exist [[|here]]. First of all, as the same **fittrackee** user, install the bridge: <code bash> pip install --upgrade --index-url --extra-index-url garmin-to-fittrackee </code> Now, citing the documentation in the above link, y ou need to create an application in your Fittrackee instance so go to you're fittrackee account, then go to "apps", then "Add an application". In the "Add a new OAuth2 application" section; chose your Application name (let's put **GarminConnect** as an example). As "application URL" and "Redirect URL" set your FitTrackee URL, so for example ****. Enable all the scopes. After submit your application, an **application ID** and **secret** are displayed: note those down as you will NEVER see them again inside FitTrackee! At this point, setup the link to Garmin, from your fittrackee user terminal: <code bash> .garmin2fittrackee setup config-tool </code> You will need to provide your garmin credentials for login. And, last, connect to FitTrackee: <code bash> garmin2fittrackee setup fittrackee --client-id <the client ID above> --client-secret <the secret above> --fittrackee-domain </code> You will be prompted an URL, **carefully** copy it and paste to your browser (it's a multi-line link, so be careful). After clicking on authorize in FitTrackee web page, **copy carefully** the browser URL (again, make sure you copy ALL of it) back to the terminal window. At last, start the actual sync: <code bash> garmin2fittrackee sync </code> **NOTE:** ensure your FitTrackee has //no activities// already logged, or GarminConnect will only fetch starting from today. If you want to export __all__ garmin activities from the past, your FitTrackee user __must__ have no activities logged. This will take a while. You will want to run this as a cron task every 6 hours or so, create the following script: <file -> #!/bin/bash cd ~ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin source venv_ft/bin/activate source .env garmin2fittrackee sync </file> and make it executable. Then schedule it as many times per day as you like in your crontab: <code> 0 0 * * * /data/daemons/fittrackee/ &> ~/cron.log 6 0 * * * /data/daemons/fittrackee/ &> ~/cron.log 12 0 * * * /data/daemons/fittrackee/ &> ~/cron.log 18 0 * * * /data/daemons/fittrackee/ &> ~/cron.log </code> <code bash> crontab -e </code>