This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Willy's Wiki ====== This space host some setup and indications on how i manage my technological home setup. The scope is to share knowledge and experience, all for free, no ads no shits in the original meaning of "The Internet". Something i experienced, enjoyed and thrived on back in time when i was younger and that great feeling existed. **/start:** //old man's grumpy mumbling...// //I have fond memories of people opening up personal web pages, posting their links, stuff and hobbies for everybody to enjoy without the expectation to become a rich influencer or make money from a "side hustle". Because life should not be about monetization but about enjoyment, fulfillment and enriching yourself and the society in which we live.// //No, i am not rich and i do work full time to support my family and lifestyle. I still believe in principles, ethics and that reducing everything to a number is not only stupid, but seriously harmfull for all of us.// **/end:** //...old man's grumpy mumbling// ====== A bit of history. ====== When i started i repurposed an old laptop and had lots of fun. Slowly i started moving more and more self-hosted stuff on it, so that limitations and availability issues become issues. I am currently in the process of moving the first "low effort, low cost" setup to a more mature and robust "need more study, need more hardware" approach. These pages will reflect a little bit of both as i am working on rewriting them to house both approaches with pro's and con's so that you can choose your way and pick the best that suits your specific case. ====== Bottom Line Disclaimer ====== Please enjoy the information i share in these pages. Contact me freely if you want to share ideas am **** on [[|Lemmy]]. No, that is __not__ an email address, but a Lemmy user reference... __Everything shared here is provided **without any warranty** or expectation to be useful for you. This reflects my setup, my experiences and my view of technology.__ Please refer to the sidebar (if browsing from mobile, it might be hidden and you need to open it manually somehow).