====== Cloud Commander ====== [[http://cloudcmd.io/|CloudCommander]] is an amazing web-based file manager for your server files. It is a good replacement for [[services:filebrowser|FileBrowser]] since it's much more capable and has way less quirks, even if the UI is a little bit more //old-style//. ===== Installation ===== Create a standard user to host the CloudCommander installation. You will most probably //never// run it as this user, but always as different users, to allow it manage files owned by those users. useradd -d /data/daemons/cloudcmd -m cloudcmd See [[gentoo:npm|Using npm on Gentoo]] on how to setup your non-root user environment to use npm. Then, install CloudCommander: su - cloudcmd npm i cloudcmd -g You might want to set this in the user **.bashrc** in case you want to give write permissions to users in a specific group to the files managed by CloudCommander: export UMASK=0002 ===== Reverse Proxy ===== Running CloudCommander behind NGINX is easy, this is an example: location /cloudcmd/ { client_max_body_size 512M; proxy_pass; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Connection $http_connection; proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade'; proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; } Remember to set the correct port as each instance of CloudCommander will have to run with it's own port, and set a reasonable location URL. ===== Running ===== You can run it by hand with the following example line: cloudcmd --packer zip --root /data/shares/common --prefix /common --port 5005 --confirm-copy --confirm-move --no-auth --no-config-auth --no-contact --vim --no-dropbox --name "Common Share" Or you can automate it... I assume you want to run it as user **myuser**. As the starting script, since i use OpenRC, i have written the following init script wihch needs to be dropped to **/etc/init.d/cloudcmd**: #!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 2024 Willy Garidol # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3 depend() { need localmount net } CC_SLOT="${SVCNAME#cloudcmd.}" CC_USER=${USER:-${CC_SLOT}} CC_GROUP=${GROUP:-${CC_SLOT}} CC_PACKER=${PACKER:-zip} description=${DESCRIPTION:-Cloud based filebrowser} pidfile="/run/${RC_SVCNAME}.pid" command_background=true command="/data/daemons/filebrowser/.npm_install/bin/cloudcmd" command_args="--packer ${CC_PACKER} --root \"${FOLDER}\" --prefix ${BASE_URL} --port ${PORT} --confirm-copy --confirm-move --no-auth --no-config-auth --no-contact --vim --no-dropbox --name \“${DESCRIPTION}\”" command_user="${CC_USER}:${CC_GROUP}" start_pre() { if [ "${CC_SLOT}" = "cloudcmd" ] then ebegin "Error: do not run this script, run a link to it!" eend 255 fi } make it executable! Now, create a file **/etc/conf.d/cloudcmd.myshare**: BASE_URL="/files/MyFiles" DESCRIPTION="Common web archive" FOLDER="/data/MyFiles" GROUP="users" PORT=3005 USER="filebrowser" PACKER="zip" # or "tar" And create the symlink, start it and add to autostart: ln -s /etc/init.d/cloudcmd /etc/init.d/cloudcmd.myshare rc-update add cloudcmd.myshare default /etc/init.d/cloudcmd.myshare start To add more shares, just create new links to the //cloudcmd// init script and create the associated config file. ==== Updates ==== npm u cloudcmd