User Tools

This is an old revision of the document!

Now, configure it by creating a file called postfixadmin/config.local.php with the following content (see postfixadmin/ for all available stuff to configure):

$CONF['database_type'] = 'sqlite';
$CONF['database_name'] = '/home/vmail/db/vmail.sqlite3';
$CONF['encrypt'] = 'dovecot:SHA512';
$CONF['postfix_admin_url'] = '';
$CONF['admin_email'] = '';
$CONF['default_aliases'] = array (
    'abuse' => '',
    'hostmaster' => '',
    'postmaster' => '',
    'webmaster' => ''
$CONF['transport'] = 'YES';
$CONF['configured'] = true;
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note: when adding new domains, choose “virtual” as transport, and 0 as password expiry.

At this point, you can already create all the mail domains and user accounts you want.

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