User Tools

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Access the PC in any way, with a linux.

Create a folder /GENTOO

cd /GENTOO download stage 3 (links

tar xvfp stage3.tar.zy

cp /etc/resolv.conf etc modprobe efivarfs

mount stuff: for i in dev dev/pts sys run proc sys/firmware/efi/efivars; do mount /$i $i -o bind; done

chroot ./ /bin/bash mkdir /efi mount /dev/sda1 /efi


echo “Europe/Brussels” > /etc/timezone emerge –config sys-libs/timezone-data /etc/locale.gen locale-gen

emerge –sync

eselect profile list

emerge -uv –deep –newuse @world

emerge -vp vim tmux cronie cpuid2cpuflags syslog-ng bash-completion chrony dosfstools io-scheduler-udev-rules intel-microcode emerge -vp genkernel gentoo-sources

genkernel –mountboot –install all

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