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Quick & Dirty Gentoo Installation
For reference, always follow: Gentoo Handbook.
Boot on Linux
Access the PC in any (Linux) way, like:
- Existing Linux distribution (mostly anyone will do)
- Burn Gentoo installation ISO to a CD or a USB key
Once inside, you will need to be root for all the subsequent steps.
Create a folder /mnt/gentoo:
> mkdir /mnt/gentoo
Download Gentoo Stage 3 tarball from same link as installation ISO, then decompress it:
- From Gentoo boot ISO, you can use <b>links</b> from text mode.
- You will need to setup network, if not available. See the handbook above.
> cd /mnt/gentoo > > tar xvfp stage3.blah-blah.tar.zy <-- note that the "p" is VERY important!
Prepare the chroot environment:
> cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc > modprobe efivarfs > for i in dev dev/pts sys run proc sys/firmware/efi/efivars; do mount /$i /mnt/gentoo/$i -o bind; done > chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash > mkdir /boot > mount /dev/sda1 /boot
Accept licenses, put this into <b>/etc/portage/make.conf</b>:
echo “Europe/Brussels” > /etc/timezone emerge –config sys-libs/timezone-data /etc/locale.gen locale-gen
emerge –sync
eselect profile list
emerge -uv –deep –newuse @world
emerge -vp vim tmux cronie cpuid2cpuflags syslog-ng bash-completion chrony dosfstools io-scheduler-udev-rules intel-microcode emerge -vp genkernel gentoo-sources pci-utils usbutils mdadm
eselect kernel set 1
genkernel –mountboot –install all
passwd useradd user passwd user
edit /etC/conf/net rc-update add sshd default ln -s /etC/init.d/net.lo /etc/init.d/ rc-update add default
Refer to: Gentoo Docker
emerge –ask –verbose app-containers/docker app-containers/docker-cli