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Matrix Android Clients

This page should be a somewhat compegensive list of availble Matrix clients.

That follows is just my personal experience and feelings.

I don't own or use IOS devices.

Element - Android

The first one i tried. It feels fully implemented and doesn't lack any critical feature.

A few issues i found:

  • Not developed anymore (development moved to Element X)
  • Feels heavy an sluggish overall
  • Cannot pause and resume audio messages, good luck with that 9 mins messgae you keeo starting again over and over
  • Cannot chnage speed in audio messages (really? WTF)
  • Cannot listen to audio messages if you close the app (again, WTF?)

I moved on.

Element X - Android

Embarassing successor to Element. While it's much better and has an overall great feeling, i couldn't get myself to use it because:

  • It has no emoticons. Come on, Really? WTF?
  • Audio at least works better
  • Still no speedup or speed down feature for audio messages

Fluffy Chat - Android

Currently my best choice:

  • It's pretty to look at and customizable
  • Audio messages Just Works Fine™
  • It has all the features you would expect

I can see no drawbacks so far.

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