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Installation of Element Web app
Element Web app is a great web based UI for Matrix, that you can pair to your instance.
Again installing bare-metal is the way to go. See here.
Download latest release tarball from here and decompress it:
su - conduwuit wget<< version >> /element-<< version >>.tar.gz tar xvf element-<< version >>.tar.gz ln -s element-<< version >> element-web
Configuration of Element Web App
Rename the file called config.sample.json to config.json inside the element-« version » folder and edit accordingly, and to be sure to backup it properly, i suggest to move it to /data/conduwuit:
cd /data/daemons/conduwuit/element-web cp config.sample.json /data/conduwuit/element-config.json ln -s /data/conduwuit/element-config.json config.json
At the very least perform the following edits:
"default_server_config": { "m.homeserver": { "base_url": "", "server_name": "" }, "disable_custom_urls": true, "disable_guests": true,
at the beginning of the file. I suggest to disable both custom URLs and guests, to avoid your web instance to be used too openly. Please note that this does not mean that your instance will be used: Element X is a javascript app that works in the browser of the use anyway.