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Actual Budget
useradd -d /data/daemons/actualbudget -m actualbudget
- docker-compose.yml
services: actual_server: image: ports: # This line makes Actual available at port 5006 of the device you run the server on, # i.e. http://localhost:5006. You can change the first number to change the port, if you want. - '5106:5006' environment: - ACTUAL_WEB_ROOT=/budget # Uncomment any of the lines below to set configuration options. # - ACTUAL_HTTPS_KEY=/data/selfhost.key # - ACTUAL_HTTPS_CERT=/data/selfhost.crt # - ACTUAL_PORT=5006 # - ACTUAL_UPLOAD_FILE_SYNC_SIZE_LIMIT_MB=20 # - ACTUAL_UPLOAD_SYNC_ENCRYPTED_FILE_SYNC_SIZE_LIMIT_MB=50 # - ACTUAL_UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT_MB=20 # See all options and more details at # !! If you are not using any of these options, remove the 'environment:' tag entirely. volumes: # Change './actual-data' below to the path to the folder you want Actual to store its data in on your server. # '/data' is the path Actual will look for its files in by default, so leave that as-is. - ./actual-data:/data restart: unless-stopped