User Tools

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Damselfly is a digital asset management tool to manage huge collections of photos. Still testing, i love the concept.


Non-containerized install instructions here

Create user and make it group photos:

groupadd photos
useradd -d /data/daemons/damselfly -m -g photos damselfly
su - damselfly
mkdir damselfly
cd damselfly

(the release zip file requires a sub-folder to store neatly all files)

In order for Damselfly to work you need to install some dependencies, which can be found in the Docker file.

There you go:

emerge -s media-fonts/liberation-fonts dev-dotnet/libgdiplus media-gfx/dcraw media-libs/exiftool

The supposed libgmp1 dependency is satisfied by adding openmp useflag to GCC (see here) which should be enabled by default in Gentoo.

Since Damselfly uses INotify triggers, you need to increase defaults or it will be unable to monitor large collections of photos (see here.

Create the file /etc/sysctl.d/damselfly.conf:


And for it to be applied without a reboot:

 sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/damselfly.conf



./Damselfly.Web /path/to/my/photos

You can now add automatic start as you wish, follow how i did for the other services.

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