This is an old revision of the document!
Immich is a modern photo management web application which aims to be similar to Google Photo. It can be uses to backup phone photos and also manage older collection of older photos.
Immich is a fairly new player in the game but it's growing a lot and is gaining a lot of traction. It's heavily under development and very polished. Overall it's probably the best solution but:
- Doesn't support folders as albums (sorry, long term solution must be stored in folders and not only in a database)
- Uses a database for metadata
- It's been a bit unclear since it was acquired by Futo's. Fut's stance on Open Source is unclear to me.
- After moving to Futo they added some controversial support system (on which they also backtracked)
- Devs don't seems to care too much on user needs and keep plowing ahead on their roadmap.
Immich, at this time, does not support base_url out of the box. A lot of discussion is going on around the topic and somebody found a nice fix using a specific NGINX setup, which i will describe in this page.
Overall, i stopped using it.
I tried to install Immich on bare-metal and give up. The total lack of documentation is regretting and the only existing guide is obsolete. Sadly, using containers is the only viable way to install Immich. The devs clearly stated they do not intend to provide any bare-metal installation instructions and this frankly sucks, even more so that the default docker images provided run as root by default. Anyway, i will show you how to fix this by running Immich using Podman (see Using Containers on Gentoo) root-less. Better than nothing.
I suggest you create a photos group on which add all users that will need to use/share/access/add photos, immich user included.
So, let's get going. Create an immich user:
groupadd photos useradd -d /data/damons/immich -g photos immich
And download the standard immich docker-compose and env files:
su - immich wget wget wget wget -O .env
(enabling hardware acceleration is optional and i will not cover it here, as it's not needed in my use-case)
Since you are going to use podman instead of docker, you need to add a specific network to the docker compose file. Also, you want to add support for your external photo libraries.
# Set the following locations to immich-server, immich-microservices; volumes: - ${UPLOAD_LOCATION}:/usr/src/app/upload - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro - ${EXTERNAL_PATH}:/usr/src/app/external # Add these two lines to each one of the services (immich-server, immich-microservices, immich-machine-learning, redis, database) networks: - immich-net # This goes at the end of the file: networks: immich-net: {}
Please note that you can have more than one mount, ideally one for each folder tree that contains photos you want to add as external library to Immich.
edit the /data/daemons/immich/.env file to adapt at least your Uploads and external folder:
UPLOAD_LOCATION=/data/Media/Photos/Uploads EXTERNAL_PATH=/path/to/your/external/photos/trees IMMICH_VERSION=release
then fire up the containers:
su - immich podman compose up -d
When you want to update Immich, just:
su - immich podman compose down podman compose pull podman compose up -d
Be aware that Immich is bleeding edge and sometimes there are breaking updates! Always check on Immich Releases page the release notes and take actions accordingly. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
NGINX reverse proxy
Immich on sub-path
If you do not want to use a specific sub-domain for Immich, the specific NGINX example here will include the base_url fix as described here:
location /immich { proxy_pass; rewrite /immich/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_buffering on; sub_filter_once off; sub_filter_types text/html; sub_filter ' href="/' ' href="/immich/'; sub_filter ' src="/' ' src="/immich/'; sub_filter ' action="/' ' action="/immich/'; sub_filter 'import("/_app' 'import("/immich/_app'; sub_filter 'base: ""' 'base: "/immich"'; location /immich/_app/immutable/chunks { proxy_pass; rewrite /immich/(.*) /$1 break; sub_filter_types *; sub_filter '"/api/"' '"/immich/api/"'; } location ~ /immich/_app/immutable/chunks/index\\. { proxy_pass; rewrite /immich/(.*) /$1 break; sub_filter_types *; sub_filter '"/' '"/immich/'; } location ~ /immich/_app/immutable/chunks/api\\. { proxy_pass; rewrite /immich/(.*) /$1 break; sub_filter_types *; sub_filter '="/api"' '="/immich/api"'; sub_filter 'basePath:"/api"' 'basePath:"/immich/api"'; } location ~ /immich/api { proxy_pass; rewrite /immich/(.*) /$1 break; proxy_cache off; sub_filter_types *; sub_filter '"redirectUri":"/' '"redirectUri":"/immich/'; } proxy_pass_request_headers on; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host; proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout invalid_header updating http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504; proxy_redirect off; }
you need also to disable authentication, since Immich cannot work with Proxy Auth and you would end up with double-authentication.
(note: YMMV, at this time this seems broken by an Immich upgrade)
Immich on sub-domain
In case you do not care for sub_path and you want to use a dedicated subdomain, go ahead and use this much simpler NGINX configuration. I will assume your subdomain is called
- immich.conf
server { server_name; listen 8443 ssl; # managed by Certbot listen 443 ssl; # managed by Certbot client_max_body_size 50000M; large_client_header_buffers 4 32k; access_log /var/log/nginx/immich.mydomain.com_access_log main; error_log /var/log/nginx/immich.mydomain.com_error_log info; location / { proxy_pass; } include com.mydomain/certbot.conf; }
you need also to disable authentication, since Immich cannot work with Proxy Auth and you would end up with double-authentication.
First usage
Fire up your browser at (or and follow instructions.
To add external libraries, it's currently (Immich 1.92.1) a bit convoluted.
First you need, as administrator, to go to each user settings (under administration panel) and add the external path as specified in the docker compose (ex: /usr/src/app/external) then, as specific user, you also need to add an external library and repeat the same path in your user settings.
It's confusing, i think this will be improved in future releases.
Command line CLI
Immich has a CLI which requires NPM:
emerge nodejs
as user immich:
npm i -g @immich/cli
The CLI might require login for upload operations:
immich login-key [apiKey] immich upload --recursive directory/