User Tools

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Please note that Lemmy requires a dedicated subdomain that cannot be changed afterward, because that is the unique identifier of your instance.


Following this guide.

Create the usual dedicated user. Also, all data needs to be located in a dedicated folder that will be /data/lemmy:

useradd -d /data/daemons/lemmy -m lemmy
mkdir /data/lemmy
mkdir /data/lemmy/pictr
chown lemmy:lemmy /data/lemmy -R
chmod o+w /data/lemmy/pictr  # need to be improved in the future

There are four files that you need to edit, download the raw ones:

su - lemmy
wget -O /data/lemmy/lemmy.hjson
wget -O /data/lemmy/nginx_internal.conf
wget -O /data/lemmy/proxy_params
wget -O /data/lemmy/customPostgresql.conf

then edit the first three following the guide linked above. Please pay attention that you moved the files to /data/lemmy and not in the same folder of the docker-compose.yml file.

I will post here my docker-compose.yml since it's the one that gets the most edits:


Last, edit the customPostgresql.conf with the output generated from this page.

Now pull it:

podman compose pull

Reverse Proxy

Lemmy not only must have it's own (sub-)domain, but that also identifies your instance. This means that you need to carefully plan the domain name and/or subdomain because you will not be able to change it afterward.

I assume it will be reachable as

Following this page create a NGINX config file called /etc/nginx/com.mydomain/lemmy/lemmy.conf like this:



To start it, and set it up on boot, as usual follow my indications Using Containers on Gentoo, so link the user-containers init script:

ln -s /etc/init.d/user-containers /etc/init.d/user-containers.lemmy

and create the following config file:

DESCRIPTION="Decentralized forum"

Add the service to the default runlevel and start it now:

rc-update add user-containers.lemmy default
rc-service user-containers.lemmy start

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