This is an old revision of the document!
Piwigo is a long-lasting, solid and versatile photo gallery software. It is based on PHP and it's been around 21+ years, so for some it might be considered as ancient, but it's not and while maybe not fancy based on new technology, it's under active development today and widely used all around the world.
There are also mobile apps associated to Piwigo that can take care of backup and mobile editing.
Piwigo is PHP based, so you need to follow Using independent PHP for different services to create an instance of PHP-FPM for Piwigo. I will assume you have your PHP-FPM up and running before going forward.
Prerequisites · setup
Ensure you have PHP emerged with gd, mysqli and fpm, if you don't have it already, emerge it again:
echo dev-lang/php fpm gd mysqli >> /etc/portage/package.use/piwigo emerge -vp php emerge -vp dev-php/pecl-imagick
Also emerge pecl-imagick to add ImageMagick support.
Initial setup
Now, create the usual service user that i will call piwigo. This user should be member of the photos group:
useradd -d /data/daemons/piwigo -m -g photos piwigo
The full Piwigo installation guides are here.
You need to download and unpack Piwigo latest release:
su - piwigo wget -O "" unzip
This will create a subfolder called piwigo.
Database setup
See MariaDB / MySQL to setup the database.
You need to create a database called piwigo with a user called piwigo with a strong enough password.
Ensure your database is running!
Reverse Proxy setup
- piwigo.conf
location /piwigo/ { root /data/daemons/piwigo/; index index.php; location ~ /.*\.php$ { try_files $uri =404; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; fastcgi_pass; } }
Make sure the port (9002) matches your PHP-FPM port!
Web installation
Open your broser to and follow the instructions there!
Make sure to specify instead of localhost in the database address.
Permissions and securization
The piwigo home folder comes with some weird defaults, you should remove permissions for others:
chmod o-w /data/daemons/piwigo/* -R
Your piwigo user and PHP-FPM user are all owned by the same user (if you followed me properly!) so there is no need for giving write permissions to others.