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Willy's Wiki


# ID Title


# ID Links
1services:deluge2 : Show backlinks


# ID TitleLinks
1selfhost:nginxF) The Reverse Proxy concept36 : Show backlinks
2gentoo:containersF) Using Containers on Gentoo17 : Show backlinks
3networking:networkingE) Network Layout7 : Show backlinks
4selfhost:ssoG) SSO Authentication7 : Show backlinks
5matrix:appservicesAppservices6 : Show backlinks
6selfhost:backupE) Backup6 : Show backlinks
7gentoo:pipG) PIP5 : Show backlinks
8networking:wireguard_redirectsK) WireGuard Port Forwarding5 : Show backlinks
9gentoo:storageC) Storage Setup4 : Show backlinks
10gentoo:wireguardJ) WireGuard4 : Show backlinks
11networking:openwrtC) OpenWRT4 : Show backlinks
12networking:wifiplanningB) WiFi planning4 : Show backlinks
13services:autheliaAuthelia4 : Show backlinks
14gentoo:installationA) Gentoo Linux Installation3 : Show backlinks
15gentoo:nftI) NFTtables3 : Show backlinks
16networking:external_accessJ) Remote Access to your Home Server3 : Show backlinks
17networking:opnsense_usingF) Using opnSense3 : Show backlinks
18networking:ssh_tunnelL) Remote Access via SSH tunneling3 : Show backlinks
19networking:start6] Networking3 : Show backlinks
20networking:wifisetupD) WiFi Setup3 : Show backlinks
21selfhost:external_serverD) External Server3 : Show backlinks
22services:filebrowserFileBrowser3 : Show backlinks
23services:obsolete:lazylibrarianLazyLibrarian: another books&audiobooks organizer3 : Show backlinks
24services:obsolete:stalwartStalwart Mail Server3 : Show backlinks
25services:readarrReadarr: the books and audiobooks organizer3 : Show backlinks
26email:configure-postfixF) Configuration: postfix2 : Show backlinks
27email:forwardForwarding Email Setup2 : Show backlinks
28email:start4] E-Mail Hosting2 : Show backlinks
29gentoo:localdCustom User Services2 : Show backlinks
30gentoo:npmH) Using npm on Gentoo2 : Show backlinks
31gentoo:syncthingK) SyncThing2 : Show backlinks
32homeautomation:home_assistantC) Home Assistant2 : Show backlinks
33homeautomation:protocols:mqttMQTT2 : Show backlinks
34homeautomation:protocols:zigbeeZigBee2 : Show backlinks
35homeautomation:start2] Home Automation2 : Show backlinks
36matrix:doublepuppetingDouble Puppeting2 : Show backlinks
37matrix:element-webElement Web2 : Show backlinks
38networking:basic:adblockE) Ads Blocking without opnSense2 : Show backlinks
39networking:basic:dnsA) DNS without opnSense2 : Show backlinks
40networking:basic:natB) Routing on the Home Server2 : Show backlinks
41networking:opnsense_multiwanG) Multi-WAN with opnSense2 : Show backlinks
42networking:proxy_chainM) Chaining proxies2 : Show backlinks
43sailing:arrsA) The '*Arrs Stack2 : Show backlinks
44sailing:torrentingB) Torrents, trackers and magnets2 : Show backlinks
45sailing:usenetC) Usenet2 : Show backlinks
46selfhost:gatewayC) Network Gateway2 : Show backlinks
47selfhost:home_serverB) The Home Server2 : Show backlinks
48selfhost:photomanagementI) Photos Management Server2 : Show backlinks
49services:audiobookshelfAudio Book Shelf2 : Show backlinks
50services:backrestBackrest2 : Show backlinks
51services:cloudcommanderCloud Commander2 : Show backlinks
52services:dashboardsSimple Dashboard2 : Show backlinks
53services:forgejoForgejo2 : Show backlinks
54services:jellyfinJellyFin2 : Show backlinks
55services:lidarrLidarr the music organizer2 : Show backlinks
56services:nzbgetNzbGet2 : Show backlinks
57services:obsolete:bazarrBazarr: subtitles downloader & finder2 : Show backlinks
58services:obsolete:giteaGITea2 : Show backlinks
59services:obsolete:tdarrTDarr2 : Show backlinks
60services:obsolete:unmanicUnmanic2 : Show backlinks
61services:prowlarrProwlarr, the indexex manager2 : Show backlinks
62services:radarrRadarr, the movies organizer2 : Show backlinks
63services:radicaleRadicale2 : Show backlinks
64services:roundcubeRoundcube Webmail2 : Show backlinks
65services:sonarrSonarr: the TV shows organizer2 : Show backlinks
66services:transmissionTransmission2 : Show backlinks
67email:configure-adminH) Configure PostfixAdmin1 : Show backlinks
68email:configure-dkim-spf-dmarcI) Configure proper mail delivery1 : Show backlinks
69email:configure-dovecotG) Configuring Dovecot1 : Show backlinks
70email:dnsA) Email related DNS records1 : Show backlinks
71email:install-adminE) Installation: postfixadmin web gui1 : Show backlinks
72email:install-dkim-spf-dmarcD) DKIM, SPF and DMARC1 : Show backlinks
73email:install-preliminaryB) user, permissions & storage1 : Show backlinks
74email:install-serversC) Installation: servers1 : Show backlinks
75gentoo:lineageosBuild LineageOS1 : Show backlinks
76gentoo:mysqlD) MariaDB / MySQL1 : Show backlinks
77gentoo:networkB) Home Server Networking setup1 : Show backlinks
78gentoo:repositoriesCustom Repositories1 : Show backlinks
79gentoo:separated-phpL) Using independent PHP for different services1 : Show backlinks
80gentoo:start3] Linux1 : Show backlinks
81gentoo:updatesE) Updates1 : Show backlinks
82homeautomation:hacsD) HACS1 : Show backlinks
83homeautomation:heatingB) Smart Heating1 : Show backlinks
84homeautomation:protocols:daikinDaikin Onecta1 : Show backlinks
85homeautomation:protocols:ippInternet Printing Protocol1 : Show backlinks
86homeautomation:protocols:nutNetwork UPS Tools1 : Show backlinks
87homeautomation:protocols:onvifONVIF1 : Show backlinks
88homeautomation:protocols:reolinkReolink1 : Show backlinks
89homeautomation:protocols:roombaRoomba1 : Show backlinks
90homeautomation:protocols:startProtocols1 : Show backlinks
91homeautomation:pvE) Energy Tracking1 : Show backlinks
92homeautomation:switchesA) Switches and lights1 : Show backlinks
93matrix:androidG) Matrix Android Clients1 : Show backlinks
94matrix:conduwuitA) Server: Conduwuit1 : Show backlinks
95matrix:discordD) Matrix Discord Bridge1 : Show backlinks
96matrix:metaF) Matrix Instagram & Messenger bridge1 : Show backlinks
97matrix:signalE) Matrix Signal Bridge1 : Show backlinks
98matrix:start5] Matrix Hosting1 : Show backlinks
99matrix:telegramB) Matrix Telegram Bridge1 : Show backlinks
100matrix:whatsappC) Matrix Whatsapp Bridge1 : Show backlinks
101networking:basic:dhcpC) DHCP Server without opnSense1 : Show backlinks
102networking:basic:multiispD) Multiple ISPs without opnSense1 : Show backlinks
103networking:basic:startZ) Basic setup1 : Show backlinks
104networking:domain-sertupI) Domain setup1 : Show backlinks
105networking:opnsense_dmzH) The DMZ with opnSense1 : Show backlinks
106networking:wirednetworkA) Home Infrastructure1 : Show backlinks
107sailing:start9] Sailing1 : Show backlinks
108selfhost:audionormalizeAudio Normalization1 : Show backlinks
109selfhost:conceptsA) The Approach1 : Show backlinks
110selfhost:fileserverH) File Server1 : Show backlinks
111selfhost:mediaresizeResize your video files1 : Show backlinks
112selfhost:notesJ) Note Taking1 : Show backlinks
113selfhost:start1] Selfhosting1 : Show backlinks
114services:actualbudgetActual Budget1 : Show backlinks
115services:firefoxSelf-hosted Firefox1 : Show backlinks
116services:gristGrist1 : Show backlinks
117services:immichImmich1 : Show backlinks
118services:lemmyLemmy1 : Show backlinks
119services:lubeloggerLubeLogger1 : Show backlinks
120services:mealieMealie1 : Show backlinks
121services:minecraftMinecraft Server1 : Show backlinks
122services:navidromeNavidrome1 : Show backlinks
123services:nutUPS - battery backup1 : Show backlinks
124services:obsolete:agendavAgenDAV1 : Show backlinks
125services:obsolete:beszelBeszel1 : Show backlinks
126services:obsolete:bookstackBookStack1 : Show backlinks
127services:obsolete:dailytxtDaily TXT1 : Show backlinks
128services:obsolete:damselflyDamselfly1 : Show backlinks
129services:obsolete:delugeDeluge1 : Show backlinks
130services:obsolete:dnsmasqUsing DNSMasq for the internal network1 : Show backlinks
131services:obsolete:filestashFileStash1 : Show backlinks
132services:obsolete:fittrackeeFitTrackee1 : Show backlinks
133services:obsolete:glancesGlances1 : Show backlinks
134services:obsolete:homegalleryHomeGallery1 : Show backlinks
135services:obsolete:homepageHomepage1 : Show backlinks
136services:obsolete:joplinJoplin, the Note taking app1 : Show backlinks
137services:obsolete:librephotosLibrePhotos1 : Show backlinks
138services:obsolete:monicahqMonicaHQ1 : Show backlinks
139services:obsolete:monitMonit1 : Show backlinks
140services:obsolete:photofieldPhotofield1 : Show backlinks
141services:obsolete:photoviewPhotoView1 : Show backlinks
142services:obsolete:pigallery2PiGallery21 : Show backlinks
143services:obsolete:piwigoPiwigo1 : Show backlinks
144services:obsolete:startObsolete services1 : Show backlinks
145services:obsolete:swingmusicSwing Music1 : Show backlinks
146services:obsolete:synapseMatrix - Synapse1 : Show backlinks
147services:obsolete:wgerWGer1 : Show backlinks
148services:podfetchPodFetch1 : Show backlinks
149services:rommROMM1 : Show backlinks
150services:scanservjsScanServJS1 : Show backlinks
151services:searxngSearXNG1 : Show backlinks
152services:silverbulletSilverbullet1 : Show backlinks
153services:slskdSlskd1 : Show backlinks
154services:spotisubSpotisub - sync Spotify with Navidrome & Lidar1 : Show backlinks
155services:start7] Services1 : Show backlinks
156services:stirlingpdfStirling PDF1 : Show backlinks
157services:systemscryptsSystem Scripts1 : Show backlinks
158services:tubesyncTube Sync1 : Show backlinks
159services:wettyWeTTY1 : Show backlinks
160startWilly's Wiki1 : Show backlinks

This space host some setup and indications on how i manage my technological home setup. The scope is to share knowledge and experience, all for free, no ads no shits in the original meaning of “The Internet”. Something i experienced, enjoyed and thrived on back in time when i was younger and that great feeling existed.

/start: old man's grumpy mumbling…

I have fond memories of people opening up personal web pages, posting their links, stuff and hobbies for everybody to enjoy without the expectation to become a rich influencer or make money from a “side hustle”. Because life should not be about monetization but about enjoyment, fulfillment and enriching yourself and the society in which we live.

No, i am not rich and i do work full time to support my family and lifestyle. I still believe in principles, ethics and that reducing everything to a number is not only stupid, but seriously harmfull for all of us.

/end: …old man's grumpy mumbling

A bit of history.

When i started i repurposed an old laptop and had lots of fun. Slowly i started moving more and more self-hosted stuff on it, so that limitations and availability issues become issues. I am currently in the process of moving the first “low effort, low cost” setup to a more mature and robust “need more study, need more hardware” approach. These pages will reflect a little bit of both as i am working on rewriting them to house both approaches with pro's and con's so that you can choose your way and pick the best that suits your specific case.

Bottom Line Disclaimer

Please enjoy the information i share in these pages. Contact me freely if you want to share ideas am on Lemmy. No, that is not an email address, but a Lemmy user reference…

Everything shared here is provided without any warranty or expectation to be useful for you. This reflects my setup, my experiences and my view of technology.

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